Orchestrating Total Solutions for Executing Strategy, Digitization and Transformation

We will help you design comprehensive technology solutions, conduct process improvement, execute strategic initiatives and reach the transformation's goals in the areas of execution management.


Management Validasi Data Inventory Access
PT. Telkom Indonesia
CRM & Tower Management System Implementation
by RPS
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Strengthening Safety Culture Consultation
by RPS
Pertamina Aviation
English Class Program
by RPS
Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Project Management Training
by RPS
Telkom Corporate University
Cyber Security Advisory - Penetration Test
PT. Askrindo
Digital Transformation - IQA EAMS
PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry
Market Research Advisory - Financial And Operational Aspect
PT. Finnet Indonesia
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase IV - Blueprint Assessment and CM Review & Update
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase III – Implementation Management & Post Implementation/Change Management
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase II - ERP Vendor Selection, Low Level Design & Management Reporting
PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase II – Process Improvement, Asset Management Design & Helpdesk App Development
Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara (LMAN)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase I – High Level Design & Development Roadmap
Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara (LMAN)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase I - Process & System Assessment, BUR & High Level Blueprint
PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property)
Digital Transformation - Infrastructure Technology (IT) Master Plan For Five Years
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase II - Low Level Blueprint, Process Improvement & CM Plan
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase I - Competitive Intelligence, System Assessment & Process Improvement
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
HSE Advisory - Strengthening Safety Culture
PT. Pertamina Aviasi
Business Advisory - Strategi Bisnis Tata Niaga Avtur
PT. Pertamina Aviasi
National Production Achievement Workshop
PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi
Market Research Advisory - Competitive Inteligence & Market Research in 9 Cities
PT. Telkom Indonesia
IT Fulfillment Service - Executive Laptop
Kantor Berita Antara
PMO Advisory - Data Center Expansion
Medco E&P
Process Improvement Advisory - Sistem Logistik Ikan Nasional (SLIN) Improvement & Field Survey
Kementerian Kelautan Perikanan (KKP)
OHSAS Certification Advisory - OHSAS 18001 & SMK3 PP50 Certification
PT. Pelita Air Services
IATA Certification Advisory - Certifying Pelita Air Training Center
PT. Pelita Air Services
HR Payroll System Development - Application Development
PMO Advisory - Access Network Rollout Nationwide
Medco E&P
PMO Advisory - Data Center Development
Medco E&P
Internal Audit HSE
PT. Pelita Air Services
Process Improvement Advisory - Inventory Management Service Improvement
PT. Pelita Air Services
Aviation Business Advisory - Masterplan for Five Years
PT. Pelita Air Services
Process Improvement & Change Management (CM) Advisory - Data Management Improvement Nationwide, CM & Project Management Office for National Rollout (7 TREG)
PT. Telkom Indonesia
Cyber Security Advisory - Penetration Test
PT. Askrindo
Digital Transformation - IQA EAMS
PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry
Market Research Advisory - Financial And Operational Aspect
PT. Finnet Indonesia
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase IV - Blueprint Assessment and CM Review & Update
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase III – Implementation Management & Post Implementation/Change Management
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase II - ERP Vendor Selection, Low Level Design & Management Reporting
PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase II – Process Improvement, Asset Management Design & Helpdesk App Development
Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara (LMAN)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase I – High Level Design & Development Roadmap
Lembaga Manajemen Aset Negara (LMAN)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase I - Process & System Assessment, BUR & High Level Blueprint
PT. Graha Sarana Duta (Telkom Property)
Digital Transformation - Infrastructure Technology (IT) Master Plan For Five Years
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase II - Low Level Blueprint, Process Improvement & CM Plan
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
Digital Transformation - CRM Phase I - Competitive Intelligence, System Assessment & Process Improvement
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
HSE Advisory - Strengthening Safety Culture
PT. Pertamina Aviasi
Business Advisory - Strategi Bisnis Tata Niaga Avtur
PT. Pertamina Aviasi
National Production Achievement Workshop
PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi
Market Research Advisory - Competitive Inteligence & Market Research in 9 Cities
PT. Telkom Indonesia
IT Fulfillment Service - Executive Laptop
Kantor Berita Antara
PMO Advisory - Data Center Expansion
Medco E&P
Process Improvement Advisory - Sistem Logistik Ikan Nasional (SLIN) Improvement & Field Survey
Kementerian Kelautan Perikanan (KKP)
OHSAS Certification Advisory - OHSAS 18001 & SMK3 PP50 Certification
PT. Pelita Air Services


Management Validasi Data Inventory Access
PT. Telkom Indonesia
CRM & Tower Management System Implementation
PT. Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel)
IQA Enterprise Asset Management System
PT. ASDP Indonesia Ferry
Strengthening Safety Culture Consultation
Pertamina Aviation
English Class Program
Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan
Project Management Training
Telkom Corporate University
Our Services

Three Core,
Integrated Solutions


Transform Key Initiatives Into Business Outcomes

Execution Service helps organizations to execute strategic initiatives that are impactful to overcome business challenges.

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  • Strategic Advisory


  • Managed Execution

  • Mining Solution & Engineering Design


Empower Your Talents to Achieve More

Ryska Academy provide human capital solution and develop customized training syllable, to serve HR organization and to unlock talent's full potential.

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  • TRAIning & Coaching

  • Event Management Services

  • Employee Assessment

  • learning Management System (LMS)

  • Outsourcing

XINERGIS - Next gen
tracking PLATFORM

A Smarter, Simpler Way to Get Work Done

Xinergis is a Next Generation Tracking Platform to help Team Leader and Member streamline collaboration, optimize execution time, and deliver business outcomes faster.

View Services
  • Meeting & Task Management

  • Goal Setting

  • Insightful dashboard

XINERGIS - Next generation of execution tracking platform

A Smarter, Simpler Way to Get Work Done
Xinergis is a Next Generation Tracking Platform to help Team Leader and Member streamline collaboration, optimize execution time, and deliver business outcomes faster.
View Services
  • Project Management as a Service

  • Document Management as a Service

  • Digital Media Monitoring as a service


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Satisfied Leading Organizations Across Indonesia

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With hundreds of thousands of users filling in our forms each year, organisations of all sizes count on Snapforms to meet their needs. We take this very seriously and have developed a comprehensive set of practices and technologies to help ensure the reliability, security and protection of our systems and your data.

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Successful Stories

Successful stories

With hundreds of thousands of users filling in our forms each year, organisations of all sizes count on Snapforms to meet their needs. We take this very seriously and have developed a comprehensive set of practices and technologies to help ensure the reliability, security and protection of our systems and your data.

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Successful Stories

Successful stories

With hundreds of thousands of users filling in our forms each year, organisations of all sizes count on Snapforms to meet their needs. We take this very seriously and have developed a comprehensive set of practices and technologies to help ensure the reliability, security and protection of our systems and your data.

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Successful Stories


With hundreds of thousands of users filling in our forms each year, organisations of all sizes count on Snapforms to meet their needs. We take this very seriously and have developed a comprehensive set of practices and technologies to help ensure the reliability, security and protection of our systems and your data.

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Successful Stories

Successful stories

With hundreds of thousands of users filling in our forms each year, organisations of all sizes count on Snapforms to meet their needs. We take this very seriously and have developed a comprehensive set of practices and technologies to help ensure the reliability, security and protection of our systems and your data.

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Agus Maulana

Pertamina Aviasi merupakan lini bisnis Pertamina yang bergerak dalam bidang pemasaran dan distribusi avtur di dalam Negeri dan di luar Negeri. Adanya isu monopoli penjualan avtur oleh Pertamina yang muncul di sejumlah kalangan pada tahun 2019, telah menarik perhatian Presiden Jokowi untuk membuka peluang pasar avtur bagi perusahaan lain. Untuk mengantisipasi persaingan tersebut, Pertamina Aviasi bekerja sama dengan RPS guna meningkatkan daya saing.

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Eka Riza

Teamwork adalah kunci bagi organisasi meraih tujuan. Beberapa waktu lalu, Ryska Professional Services (RPS) melalui Ryska Academy membantu Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) mengadakan National Senior Leader Workshop untuk menguatkan kerjasama antar anak usaha PHE dalam meraih target produksi perusahaan.

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Rizaldi Winant

Membangun komitmen dan teamwork dari seluruh tim untuk mencapai target produksi tidaklah mudah.Lihat apa yang dikatakan oleh Bapak Rizaldi Winant, General Manager Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Siak & Kampar tentang pengalaman kolaborasinya dengan RPS pada project Achieving 2019!

Kami berkomitmen untuk membantu customer mengakselerasi transformasi digital dengan tiga solusi inti: Execution Advisory, Ryska Academy, dan Xinergis Platform. Let's create something great together!

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